$11.4 million wastewater project reaches milestone: Public Tour August 18
(Portland) A $11.4 million project to update the East End Wastewater Treatment Plant’s aeration system has reached a milestone. The first of three aeration tanks to be replaced will go online tomorrow. The 36-year old aeration system, which had reached the end of its useful life, is being updated to increase operational performance, reduce odors, and maintain compliance with permit conditions. The project replaces mechanical surface aerators with a modern process that diffuses air more efficiently into the bottom of the tanks. Efficiency Maine has recognized the project’s energy efficiency with a $300,000 grant.
Work will soon begin on the second aeration tank and the project is expected to be complete by the Fall of 2017. For more information and periodic updates, please visit our project web page: https://www.pwd.org/eewwtf-aeration-project
Public Tour: The public is invited to come to an open house on Thursday, August 18 at 11 a.m. to learn more about the project.