Water Bottle Filling Station Grants

The Portland Water District’s source, Sebago Lake, is pristine, clear, and cold. The water that flows from Greater Portland taps meets or surpasses all federal and state requirements for safe water. The Portland Water District proudly offers some of the best water in the country. The longstanding tradition to promote our superior water to visitors began with a water booth built at Union Station and staffed to greet weary travelers with a free cup of water. The Water Bottle Filling Station Grant revives the tradition with a modern twist. The grant program allows the Portland Water District to increase public access to Greater Portland’s excellent tap water.

a boy filling a water bottle

Annually, the Portland Water District will award up to two water bottle filling stations – maximum value of $5,000 for outdoor units, $2,000 maximum value for internal stand alone units, and $850 for retrofits – to non-profits and businesses within the service territory. In the event retrofits are the requested unit, the Trustee Committee may choose to award additional units due to the relatively low cost. Interested organizations should complete the online application.


  • The organization must be a non profit organization or business within the Portland Water District territory and a customer of the District.
  • Filling stations must be open to the public and/or general audience and be located in visible, high traffic areas.
    The organization must agree to install the fountain within nine months.
  • The organization must agree to clean and maintain the fountain.
  • The organization must agree to pay for water service and all expenses involved in the installation (Installation costs could be minimal or extensive depending on the type of unit selected, location of installation, and staff capabilities).
  • The organization must include PWD’s provided decal on the unit.
  • Due to the cost of outside units, only one outside unit will be awarded per year.
  • Preference will be given to those organizations that provide the largest exposure and benefit for public use.
    Preference will be given to first time applicants.
  • Only one entry is allowed in each category (Retrofit, Outside, Inside) per entity.


Deadline for application for the following year is October 31. Grant recipients will be notified by January, then will have nine months to install the unit. For longer term projects, applicants can designate the year in which they are applying for the grant and expecting to install the unit.


The Portland Water District’s supplier will offer a wide variety of units for the recipient to choose from. The recipient will order the unit and have it shipped to their facility. The Portland Water District will pay the supplier directly. Optionally, if the recipient prefers to use its own supplier, the Portland Water District will reimburse the recipient once installation is complete.

A committee of PWD’s Board of Trustees will review applicants annually and recommend recipients for full board approval.

Contact the public relations office if you have further questions.