(Please answer all questions. Applicants may be disqualified if required fields are not completed.)

Current Address(Required)
Home Address (If different from above)


High School Address(Required)
Are you the first in your family to attend college?(Required)
Are you currently a senior in high school?(Required)
Briefly describe your current and past community service and volunteer efforts (200 words or less).
Briefly describe your past and present employment as well as the length and hours of employment (200 words or less).
Briefly list or describe any academic awards or honors you have received (200 words or less).
Briefly describe your financial situation (job, dependents, etc.) and financial plan for college expenses (200 words or less).
Briefly describe your education and career plans and how they relate to the water / wastewater industry (200 words or less).
Briefly describe why the scholarship committee should choose to award the scholarship to you (300 words or less).