Congratulations to these ten Portland businesses who achieved full compliance with their industrial discharge permits for the 2021-2022 Industrial Pretreatment (IPT) year which ended on April 30th:
Over the past eight years, PWD has awarded $43,500 to support the installation of approximately 32 Water Bottle Filling Fountains through its grant program. This program has been popular, especially among non-profits and schools.
The Portland Water District was recently awarded both the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
Construction to replace the Baxter Boulevard Wastewater Force Main will begin on Monday, March 14th and be complete by Saturday, April 30th. The project will replace approximately 900 feet of wastewater pipe that was originally installed in the late 1970s. Portland Water District has partnered with Sargent Corporation to complete the construction.