In light of a couple incidents in York County where men posed as the local water utility to enter homes, the Portland Water District is advising Greater Portland residents to beware of anyone who claims to be a water district employee but does not
The Portland Water District recently was awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The award represents a significant achievement and reflects a commitment to the highest pri
The Portland Water District is seeking submissions for the 2018 Images of Sebago Lake Calendar. All photographers will receive a complimentary calendar.
In celebration of National Drinking Water Week, the Portland Water District is hosting FREE events and activities for consumers to learn about and understand water and its vast importance to our daily lives.
After a lengthy review which included a public hearing, the Portland Water District’s Board of Trustees decided Monday the wall at the EEWWTF will remain open to public art.
Water main maintenance began in Falmouth on March 27. Maintenance will occur during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
People strolling past the East End Wastewater Treatment Facility in Portland may not notice anything different, but major changes are taking place at the Portland Water District plant that may have huge benefits for the health of Casco Bay.