Where can I find additional information about the quality of my tap water?

The Portland Water District publishes annually a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) which reports the levels of all regulated contaminants detected in the drinking water. In addition, the report provides an overview of your drinking water source and its treatment; it is a good tool for making informed choices that affect your health and that of your family.

Why is boating allowed on the southern end of the lake but swimming is not allowed?

Generally, chemicals from motors float on the surface of the water and evaporate quickly. Since PWD intake pipes are located near the bottom of the lake, gas and oil chemicals are not of great concern. Swimming is not allowed because human bodies may introduce bacteria and/or viruses to the water supply. Although the disinfection process has been proven to kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses, it is better to reduce the risk of waterborne illness by keeping human bodies away from the intake area.

Who owns the boat launch in Standish and what are the plans for the future?

The PWD owns all land around the boat launch except for a 99-foot right of way (ROW) to the water which is owned by the town of Standish. The PWD has begun to revegetate the land around the 99-foot ROW to improve water quality in Lower Bay.

Over the years the PWD has presented more than six boat launch relocation proposals to the Standish Town Council. The most recent proposal was voted down by the people in 2003.


Why does the PWD allow ice fishing inside the 2-mile limit?

PWD does not have the authority to limit ice fishing. The state allows ice fishing and is the only entity that can limit it. The state did pass a law prohibiting cars and trucks from being on the ice within 2 miles of the water intakes. This was passed after a truck broke through the ice.

In an attempt to limit the impact of ice fishing on water quality, the PWD conducts patrols during the ice fishing season, asking fishermen to use porta-potties located at the shore and to fuel ice fishing equipment on shore rather than on the ice.

Why is the PWD concerned about invasive aquatic plants?

An invasive plant infestation of the lake could lead to water quality problems, including (1) the illegal use of aquatic herbicides; (2) an accelerated increase in lake productivity and resulting decrease in water quality; and (3) more organic matter impacting intake and treatment equipment

Does PWD control the level of water in Sebago Lake?

No. The dam that controls the level of Sebago Lake is owned by SAPPI (formerly SD Warren) in Westbrook. SAPPI is required to manage lake level according to a compromise plan, developed in the 1990s by individuals, groups, and state agencies who had differing points of view about the best plan for managing the level of the lake. The compromise plan has target levels for certain weeks of the year. Drought years are built into the compromise plan.


Does the PWD have authority to control uses of the lake?

Some. The PWD is recognized as the primary entity responsible for promotion and oversight of lake protection issues in the Sebago Lake region. The PWD's Watershed Control Program relies on the support of other regulatory authorities - local, state, and federal - and on education and outreach to impact other human activities that are not governed by any law or regulation.

Can I use fertilizers and pesticides around the lake?

The PWD promotes minimizing the extent of mowed areas near the lake because natural woody vegetation provides normal cleaning of runoff. The PWD does not use chemicals to treat the lawn areas at its properties near the lake and encourages others to use non-chemical lawn care methods as well.

If the PWD built a water filtration plant, would there still be a need for lake protection?

Absolutely. The PWD was granted a waiver from the filtration requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act in part because lake water quality is so high. The PWD believes the waiver to filtration saves our customers a significant amount of money without compromising the protection of their health. And we are committed to protection of the source as one component of our effort to maintain the waiver. But PWD was committed to protecting Sebago Lake before the waiver and will continue to protect the lake as long as it is a source of drinking water, regardless of the type of treatment used.


There is foam accumulating on the lake? Is this indicative of pollution?

Most lake foam is caused when the surface tension of water is decreased and air is mixed into the water. Organic materials from naturally decaying plants and animals can reduce the surface tension of water, and when the wind blows across it, or waves wash against the shore, bubbles are produced.

Most foam observed in lakes or streams is naturally occurring, and not an indicator of pollution.

