My water bill seems high. What could cause this?
Number of days in the reading period. This is the most common reason for a high bill. If the number of days in your current read period is greater than the number of days in your prior read period, your current bill may be higher. You can check the number of days in the Water Consumption Chart on your bill or in the MyOnlineBill section of our web site. The days in your read period can fluctuate from month to month depending on the date we read your meter. A 32 day bill this month would usually be higher than a 28 day bill the previous month because there were more days to use water.
Seasonal Usage. If you have a seasonal fluctuation in your bill, consider your outside water use. Have you been watering your lawn and garden, filling a pool, or washing your car?
Additional Charges. Determine if there are any additional charges on your bill this month. There may be an additional charge due to a Backflow Test, an Activation Fee, A Turn ON/OFF Fee, or a Collection Fee.
Leak. Look at your water meter to determine if you have an internal plumbing leak: If the red pointer on your meter is moving, and you are certain no water is being used at the time, this indicates there is an internal leak. The first place to check is your toilet or faucets. More information on how to identify leaks.
Rate Increase. Water Rates: PWD sends a letter to customers whenever our water rates change. Water rates are regulated by the Maine Public Utilities Commission. Wastewater Rates: Your local city or town establishes wastewater rates. PWD is only the billing agent for wastewater. All wastewater revenue billed and collected by PWD is turned over to your local city of town.