$11.4 million modernization project to improve operational performance at the EEWWTF
Recently the Portland Water District Board of Trustees approved an $11.4 million dollar project to upgrade the East End Wastewater Treatment Facility’s 36-year old aeration system. Aeration is a critical biological component to wastewater treatment. Construction is expected to begin this fall and continue into 2018.
The aeration system, which has reached the end of its useful life, will be updated to increase operational performance and maintain compliance with permit conditions. The project will replace mechanical surface aerators with a modern process that diffuses air more efficiently through the bottom of the tanks. Efficiency Maine has recognized the project’s energy efficiency with a $200,000 grant.
Engineering services are being provided by Hazen and Sawyer, and Penta Corporation will be the general contractor. The project has been approved for low interest financing from the Maine Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which is expected to save $1.9 million in interest expenses over 20 years.
AERATION PROJECT TOUR: for those that are interested in more information on the plant and the upcoming project.
DATE: Thursday, September 10
TIME: 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: East End Wastewater Treatment Facility, 500 Marginal Way, Portland, Maine